Targeted Relief with Cryotherapy

Cryotherapy Procedure

Dr. Tulloss performing cryotherapy on a canine patient.

Cryosurgery is a surgical technique which utilizes nitrous oxide to freeze unwanted tissue and consequently destroys it. Used in people as well as in dogs and cats, the treatment causes the tissue which is frozen to fall off or dissolve. This may take up to 4 weeks, and fortunately there is very little discomfort to the pet during this process.

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Benefits and Features

  • Depending on the size and location of the area to be frozen, your pet may or may not need to be sedated or anesthetized. Whenever possible on minor issues such as skin tags or small skin growths, we are able to perform this procedure in the office without any sedation needed.

  • Due to the extreme cold temperature of the liquid nitrogen, the pet does not feel pain as the nerve endings are immediately frozen. This also means that as the dog or cat recovers and the unwanted tissue sloughs off, they still do not feel pain that may be associated with traditional surgery.

  • It is not uncommon to perform multiple rounds of cryotherapy to lesions. If you feel that your pet could benefit from cryotherapy, please schedule a consultation with one of our doctors to discuss the best next steps for your pet.